Creating a Decentralized Blockchain to Store University Data and Payment of University Course Material Through the Use of a Smart Contract
Bálint, Krisztián
The use of blockchain technology gives universities the opportunity to create their
own blockchain. By rethinking the Bologna program applied in education, in the future,
universities will be able to work together even more closely in the field of joint curriculum
development. It can be observed that different universities teach the same subjects. As a
result, university lecturers have even more burdens outside of teaching, as lecturers must
prepare the same teaching materials for each university. The aim of the research is to create
a blockchain in practice, as well as to present it in detail, where university lecturers could
upload uniformly prepared teaching materials. In the long run, a unified and universally
accepted university curriculum will certainly bring many advantages. If the university also
wants to upload paid course content to the blockchain, a smart contract must be used. With
the help of a smart contract, payments for teaching materials would be carried out in an
automated manner, so additional burdens could be taken off the shoulders of universities.
Since the blocks in the blockchain are closely built on top of each other, it is difficult to
modify them with the educational materials stored in them. Since universities must provide
students with up-to-date knowledge, the teaching materials must also be up to date. The
modification of teaching materials at specified intervals could be solved using the Soft-Fork
blockchain process.
Creating a Decentralized Blockchain to Store University Data and Payment of University Course Material Through the Use of a Smart Contract