Rövidített megjelenítés

Haxhija, Edona
Kruja, Drita
Shabani, Zamira
Objective: This literature review evaluates the factors that influence the quality of nurses' service to patients, with the aim of increasing their overall well-being, work experience and creating a more supportive and satisfying work environment in the field of nursing. Methods: A systematic review was conducted following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews. Electronic databases including Scopus, PubMed, SAGE Journal were searched for scientific articles on factors influencing the quality of nursing care. After review and removal of duplicates, we analyzed the full text of articles to identify potentially relevant studies for eligibility and then extracted data from matched articles. Results: The literature search resulted in 20 articles, that met all inclusion criteria were included systematic review after full text review. Conclusion: The literature shows that the quality of work life of nurses is influenced by three main factors: personal (socio-demographic), professional and psychological. Identifying the factors is critical for finding the right solution to improve the quality of service at work and to overcome the factors that reduce the quality of service in nursing care.hu_HU
Identifying Key Factors Influencing Nursing Care Quality:A Systematic Literature Reviewhu_HU
Open accesshu_HU
Óbudai Egyetemhu_HU
Keleti Károly Gazdasági Karhu_HU
Óbudai Egyetemhu_HU
Társadalomtudományok - multidiszciplináris társadalomtudományokhu_HU
Factors influencing the quality of nursing carehu_HU
Hospital Patienthu_HU
Quality Nursing carehu_HU
MEB — 22nd International Conference on Management, Enterprise, Benchmarking. Proceedings I. (MEB 2024)hu_HU
Kiadói változathu_HU
17 p.hu_HU
MEB — 22nd International Conference on Management, Enterprise, Benchmarking. Proceedings I. (MEB 2024)hu_HU
Óbudai Egyetemhu_HU

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Rövidített megjelenítés