5G technology and its impacts towards road safety and Autonomous Cars

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5G C-V2X (cellular vehicle to everything) will be the communication standard between vehicles,
infrastructures such as traffic lights, intersections, cameras, or even the various sensors along
roads and highways and other road users such as cyclists and pedestrians. The usage 5G cellular
can help us avoid accidents on routes. The vehicle can send signals to other vehicles if something
suddenly happens. 5G will have to be accompanied by all the proper technical solutions to frame
the information and send it as quickly as possible. On the other hand, autonomous vehicles are
the new generation of smart vehicles with the ability to self-driving by using various electronic
devices and informatics methods. Autonomous cars rely on information and connection
technologies based on a very efficient network. An intelligent driving system is one of many AV
(Autonomous vehicles) features that can be realized via 5G technology by applying an intelligent
transporting system. This paper aims to chew over the impact and intimation of 5G on AV from
several dimensions and present an overview of IoT’s role in our lives and how 5G will be affected
in AV. In addition, 5G for AV is
- Cím és alcím
- 5G technology and its impacts towards road safety and Autonomous Cars
- Szerző
- Lukács, Judit
- Douzi, Ahmed
- Megjelenés ideje
- 2024
- Hozzáférés szintje
- Open access
- Konferencia címe
- Mérnöki Szimpózium a Bánkiban
- Konferencia ideje
- 2023
- Nyelv
- eng
- Terjedelem
- 7 p.
- Változat
- Kiadói változat
- A cikket/könyvrészletet tartalmazó dokumentum címe
- Mérnöki Szimpózium a Bánkin Előadásai
- A forrás folyóirat éve
- 2024
- 978-963-449-359-4
- Műfaj
- Konferenciaközlemény
- Tudományterület
- Műszaki tudományok - gépészeti tudományok
- Egyetem
- Óbudai Egyetem
- Kar
- Bánki Donát Gépész és Biztonságtechnikai Mérnöki Kar