Vehicle explosives and explosive device detection methods at outdoor public events

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- Konferenciaközlemények [686]
One of today's biggest challenges is to organise protection against terrorist threats. Globalisation,
world-wide transport routes and almost instant access to any point in the world give members of
terrorist organisations the opportunity to achieve their goals more effectively. These goals
include terror and panic events, often achieved by bomb attacks. We have a wealth of experience
of how explosives or different types of explosive devices have been used in a successful bomb
attack. The main objective of security professionals is to prevent the use of these destructive
devices or materials, especially in areas where large numbers of people gather. Large-scale public
events are particularly at risk, as tens or hundreds of thousands of visitors may be present at such
celebrations, community events. As these events are mostly international, in the event of a
successful attack, the international media may consider the situation to be of great importance.
- Cím és alcím
- Vehicle explosives and explosive device detection methods at outdoor public events
- Szerző
- Drakula, Norbert
- Szalkai, László
- Szerkesztő
- Rajnai, Zoltán
- Megjelenés ideje
- 2024
- Hozzáférés szintje
- Open access
- Konferencia címe
- Engineering Symposium at Bánki (ESB 2023)
- Konferencia ideje
- 2023
- Nyelv
- en
- Terjedelem
- 6 p.
- Tárgyszó
- explosion, terrorism, mass event, screening, detection
- Változat
- Kiadói változat
- A cikket/könyvrészletet tartalmazó dokumentum címe
- Mérnöki Szimpózium a Bánkin Előadásai
- A forrás folyóirat éve
- 2024
- 978-963-449-359-4
- Műfaj
- Konferenciaközlemény
- Tudományterület
- Műszaki tudományok - katonai műszaki tudományok
- Egyetem
- Óbudai Egyetem
- Kar
- Bánki Donát Gépész és Biztonságtechnikai Mérnöki Kar