Rövidített megjelenítés

Boruzs, Hunor
The protection of activities, facilities and supplies - also known as critical infrastruc- ture elements or vital system elements - that are of paramount importance for the functioning of the state and the provision of services to the population, is ensured by the state through various organisations, which have a monopoly on the use of force. In Hungary, these organisations include the armed security guards operating under Act CLIX of 1997 on the Armed Security Guard, Nature Protection and Field Guard Service (hereinafter referred to as the "Armed Security Guard Act"). However, the concept of armed security guards in this context covers more than just security guards on duty with weapons: although the organisation does not belong to the law en- forcement agencies and is civilian in na- ture, its powers within the premises are es- sentially the same as those of the police.hu_HU
Physical Protection Characteristics of Critical Infrastructures HUngary–The Armed Security Guardhu_HU
A kritikus infrastruktúrák fizikai védelmi sajátosságai Magyarországonhu_HU
Open accesshu_HU
Óbudai Egyetemhu_HU
Bánki Donát Gépész és Biztonságtechnikai Mérnöki Karhu_HU
Óbudai Egyetemhu_HU
Műszaki tudományok - multidiszciplináris műszaki tudományokhu_HU
police officerhu_HU
armed security guardhu_HU
security guardhu_HU
physical protectionhu_HU
critical infrastructurehu_HU
Tudományos cikkhu_HU
Biztonságtudományi Szemlehu_HU
Kiadói változathu_HU
12 p.hu_HU
1. sz.hu_HU
6. évf.hu_HU
Óbudai Egyetemhu_HU

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