Rövidített megjelenítés

Percze, Máté
The Arabian Peninsula was one of the defining regions of world politics in the last century and still is today. The states of the region have always tried to extend their influence on the peninsula, which has caused conflicts in several cases.In my study, I examine the intervention of Saudi Arabia and Egypt in the Yemeni civil wars of 1962 and 2015, and I also compare the two Yemeni conflicts mentioned above. I present the foreign and domestic political reasons for which Riyadh and Cairo participated in these struggles. Because of the interventions, the situation in Yemen can be interpreted not only as the internal affairs of the country, but also as one of the defining problems of the region. In my work, I review the regional power aspirations that characterized the period of the two civil wars. The following questions play an important role in my work: What are the similarities and differences between the Yemeni civil wars of 1962 and 2015? What are the local and global effects of the ongoing Yemeni armed conflict?
The role of Saudi Arabia and Egypt in the Yemeni civil warshu_HU
Open accesshu_HU
Óbudai Egyetemhu_HU
Bánki Donát Gépész és Biztonságtechnikai Mérnöki Karhu_HU
Óbudai Egyetemhu_HU
Természettudományok - multidiszciplináris természettudományokhu_HU
Near Easthu_HU
regional power aspirationshu_HU
Saudi Arabiahu_HU
Yemen civil warhu_HU
Tudományos cikkhu_HU
Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studieshu_HU
Kiadói változathu_HU
p. 51-65.hu_HU
2. sz.hu_HU
3. évf.hu_HU
Óbudai Egyetemhu_HU

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