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Neethling, Theo
This paper examines the manifestation and problems relating to the Islamist insurgencies of Boko Haram in north-eastern Nigeria, and Ansar al-Sunna in northern Mozambique. The thrust of the paper is that Islamist movements, driven by the ideas of jihadism, exploit conditions in weak and fragile states and expand their reach in territories affected by poor or deteriorating socio-economic conditions. In Africa, Boko Haram and Ansar al-Sunna are two striking examples. Following the introduction, the phenomena of Islamism and jihadist insurgencies in Africa are under review, after which state fragility is theorised. The focus then moves to Boko Haram and the conflict dynamics in the north-east of Nigeria, and the political conditions and related fragility in that country. From there, the emphasis shifts to Ansar al-Sunna and the conflict dynamics in northern Mozambique, focusing on the emergence and existence of the movement, and the political conditions and related fragility in the country. The paper argues that in both insurgencies under review –Nigeria and Mozambique –fragility and violent conflict fueleach other, and thus we can argue that the state fragility–conflict dynamics nexus is key in understanding the contemporary security landscapes and conflict in these two states. Finally, the paper concludes by highlighting and reflecting on six of the most striking similarities between the Boko Haram and Ansar al-Sunna insurgencies, and the governance (political and military) challenges that have thus far limited or prevented successful counter-insurgency measures in both countries.hu_HU
Boko Haram and Ansar al-Sunna: A Comparative Analysis of Insurgency Dynamics and Governance Failureshu_HU
Open accesshu_HU
Óbudai Egyetemhu_HU
Bánki Donát Gépész és Biztonságtechnikai Mérnöki Karhu_HU
Óbudai Egyetemhu_HU
Társadalomtudományok - állam- és jogtudományokhu_HU
Ansar al-Sunnahu_HU
Boko Haramhu_HU
state fragilityhu_HU
Ansar al-Sunnahu_HU
Tudományos cikkhu_HU
Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studieshu_HU
Kiadói változathu_HU
145-169 p.hu_HU
1. sz.hu_HU
3. évf.hu_HU
Óbudai Egyetemhu_HU

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